Animation Seasons
Production schedule
I have done some research on seasons such as season are the different types of weather we have throughout the year which are spring, summer autumn and winter, example of what different.
Summer: Summer is bright colorful and full of life, flowers grow some may think its when new life can begin again
Spring: bright colors and the start of new life and the glowing
Autumn: where the leaves change color and it start getting a little bit colder
Winter: has the theme of blues, whites, grays as the weather and atmosphere is cold and it can be use with some bright colors
this is a quick mood board that i have done of Autumn, Spring, Winter, Summer showing colors that are used and themes in the different seasons that are shown.sketches of seasons [seasons sketches done]
sort out and delete some stuff

i have done for small sketches of the four seasons to show my ideas of my 2d animation with the theme "season" as i am doing different ideas of mix media on my sketches to show my how i have developed my animation
character model sheet
[need to do]
character expression sheet
[need to do]
[need to do]
mind maping
[need to do]
[need to do]
Concept art
[need to do]