Pre-Production Understanding
Production Schedule
The production schedule is the planning and development of an animation. It incorporates different deadlines for each process of the production to ensure that the animation is completed to schedule.
Mind Maps
These help an individual person or a team to come up with many different ideas that can be expanded on to create further development of an idea, characters, storyline, backgrounds, seasons etc. These ideas can link together to create a plot line of a story. A mind map can also incorporate the target audience and this will have an impact on the type of information considered for the mind map. You would also included the type of messages that you want to get across to the viewer.
Mood Board
Mood boards are the style or direction of the animation it can be base on the background or the overall style of the animation or theme such as the example I have below.
Storyboards are constructed from a sequence of illustrations to show the order and development in which the scenes are going to take place within a motion picture. They also show the changes made for improvements and maybe a change in storyline.
Storyboards also help with understanding the different types of camera shots to heighten certain feeling and viewing. For example, an extreme close-up shot can elevate emotion, mystery and tension to the viewer. It also gives the cameraman guidance when filming.
Model Sheets
Model sheet are used to enable you to get a full view of the character that has been created. This involves a front view, side view, back view and a three quarter view to give you different perspective of the character.
The environment of the animation is related to the theme of the animation, for example Big Hero Six. This animations background is a combination of two places, Tokyo and San Francisco. The creators renamed this location/landscape San Fransokyo.
Expression Sheets
Expression sheets show the moods and personality of each character throughout an animation. There are multiple expression sheets that are created such as the example below.Research Sound
Choosing the right type of music for an animation is very important as this can really affect the mood of the film and the feelings of the audience. The right type of music can bring to life the characters roles in each scene and enhance the audience experience. For example making something more dramatic, tense or emotional.
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Concept Art
There are many different types of concept art such as the example below of a live action film Maleficent. Concept art is not just used in a animation it is used in live action as the final development of what the character, background and props look like in more detail and colour. It can also be related back to the original design of the animation and after the concept art has been made there can be changes done to the overall look of the animation.
This is the concept art of The Goonies and the landscape of the live action film Maleficent.
An animatic is a storyboard animation that also includes aspects like the timing and sound.
The animatic helps to rough out the timing along with sound effects, soundtrack, and dialogue. This can be shown to the client or the animation Director so they can see roughly how the animation will be sequenced and if it flows correctly as they had envisioned. I have an example below of animatic.
Reference list